Monday, February 13, 2023

Lots Wife Looked Back

 Lot and his family lived together with Abraham in the land of Ca'naan. One day Abraham said to Lot: ' There isn't land enough here for all our animals. Please,let us separate. If you go one way,then I will go the other.'

Lot looked over the land. He saw a very nice part of the country that had water and a lot of good grass for his animals. This was the District of the Jordan. So lot moved his family and animals there. They finally made their home in the city of Sod'om.

The people of Sod'om were very bad. This upset lot, because he was a good man.God was upset too. Finally,God

sent two angels to warn Lot that he was going to destroy Sod'om and the nearby city of Go.mor'rah because of their badness.

The angels told Lot: ' Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters and get out of here!' Lot and his family were a little slow in going,an and so the angels took them by the hand and led them out of the city. Then one of the angels said:Run for your lives! Don't look back. Run to the hills,so that you won't be killed.'

Lot and his daughters obeyed and ran away from Sod'om. They didn't stop for a moment, and they didn't look back. But lots Wife disobeyed. After they had gone some distance from Sod'om,sh sstopst and looked back. Then lots Wife became a pillar of salt. Can you see her in the picture? We can learn a good lesson from this. It shows us that God saves those who obey him, but those who do not obey him will lose their lives.

Friday, February 10, 2023

God Tests Abraham's Faith

 Can you see what Abraham is doing here? He has a knife, and it looks as if he is going to killed his son. Why would he ever do that? First,let le see how Abraham and Sarah got their son.

Remember,God promised them that they would have have a son. But that seemed impossible,be because Abraham and Sarah were so old. Abraham,however, believed that God could do what seemed impossible. So what happened?

After God made his promise,a whole years passed. Then,wh wh Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old,they had a baby boy named Isaac. God had kept his peompro!

But when Isaac had grown older, Jehovah tested Abraham's Faith. He called: ' Abraham!' And Abraham anserean: 'Here I am!'  Then God said: 'Take your son, your only son, Isaac, and go to a mountain that I will show you. There kill your son and offer him up as a sacrifice.'

How sad those words made Abraham, because Abraham loved his son very much. And remember,God has promised that Abraham's children would live in the land of Ca'naan. But how could that happen if Isaac were dead? Abraham did not understand, but still he obeyed God.

When he got to the mountain, Abraham tied up Isaac and put him on the altar that he built. Then he took out the knife to kill his son. But just at that moment God's angel called: 'Abraham, Abraham!' And Abraham answered: 'Here I am!'

Don't hurt the boy or do anything to him, God said. 'Now I know that you have faith in me, because you have not held back your son, your only one, from me.'

What great faith Abraham had in God! He believed that nothing was impossible for Jehovah, and that Jehovah could even raise Isaac from the dead. But it was not really Gods will for Abraham to kill Isaac. So God cause a sheep to get caught in some nearby bushes, and he told Abraham to sacrifice it instead of his son.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Abraham-A Friend of God

 One of the places where people went to live after the Flood was called Ur. It became an important city with some nice homes in it. But the people there worshipped false God's.

That was the way they did in  Ba'bel too. The people in Ur and Ba'bel were not like Noah and his son Shem, who kept on serving Jehovah.

Finally,350 years after the Flood, faithful Noah died. It was just two years later that the man you see in this picture was born. He lived with his family in that city of Ur.

One day God told Abraham: 'Leave Ur and your relatives, and go to a country I will show you.' Did Abraham obey God and leave behind all the conforts of Ur? Yes,he did. And it was because Abraham always obeyed God that he came to be known as God's friend.

Some of Abraham's family went along with him when he left Ur. His father Te'rah did. So did his nephew Lot. And,of course Abraham's wife Sarah went too. In time they all arrived at a place called Ha'ran, where Te'rah died. They were far away from Ur. After a while Abraham and his household left Ha'ran and came to the land called Ca'naan.

There Jehovah said: ' This is the land that I will give to your children.' Abraham stayed in Ca'naan and lived in tents.

God began to help Abraham so that he came to have great flocks of sheep and other animals and hundreds of servants. But he and Sarah did not have any children of their own. When Abraham was 99 years old,God said: '' promise that you will become father to many nations of people.' But how could this happen, since Abraham and Sarah were now too old to have a child?

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Men Build A BIG Tower

 Man years ago. Noah's sonss had lots of children.

And their children grew had more children. Soon there were many people on the earth.

One of these persons  was a great--grandson of Noah named Nim'rod. He was a bad man who hunted and killed both animals and men. Nim'rod also made himself a king to rule over other people.

God did not like Nim'rod.

All the people at time spoke one language. Nim'rod wanted to keep them all together so  that he could rule them. So do you know what he did?

He told the people to build a city and a big tower in it. See them in the picture making bricks.

God was not pleased with this building. God wanted the people to move out and live over the earth. But the people said: Come on! Let's build a city and a tower so high that it's top will reach into the heavens.

Then we will be famous!'   The people wanted honor for themselves,not for God. So God made the people stop building the tower. Do you know how he did it? 

By suddenly causing people to speak different languages, instead of just one. No longer did the builders understand one another. This is why their city came to be called Ba'bel,or Babylon,meanin m "Confusion."

The people now began to move away from Ba'bel. Groups of persons who spoke the same language went to live together in other parts of the earth.